Nov 22, 2007


Why do women that know that at least at one point know that you had feeling for them insist on telling you about their sex like? Especially the ones you were closest to recently. Like knowing the intricate details of what they do in private with someone else and how long they do it for is something you want to know.

Recently, I found myself in this predicament. The mother and family of a girl I used to be close to insisted I come visit them for thanksgiving. Being that my family is a couple thousand miles away, I decided why not. What's the worst that could happen? Apparently the worst is I get to hear about her sex life. Maybe I should've listened to my better judgement and had my own thanksgiving.

I don't blame the family. They are actually really fun. And I know they weren't expecting this to happen, but I have to say I'm a little jaded by the whole ordeal. It will probably be the last time I come out here. I hate to say goodbye, but when someone has the ability to mess up your life this much, you have to break your ties completely. It's not healthy to keep connections that will always tie you to that one person. It sounds horrible, but I've tried to keep things ok, but the more I tried, the more things fell apart. While it may be selfish, I also have to be able to move on with my life.

Nov 12, 2007

What is a man?

A miserable little pile of secrets. Everyone has their secrets they keep bottled up within them. Secrets that bind them in fear. Secrets that give them power. Secrets they wish they could share with someone.

Everyone makes mistakes. Some shouldn't have had that last slice of pizza. Some forgot to flip the switch in the room. Others didn't lock the door. Me? I wasted three years of my life. Not in the manner of I did absolutely nothing for three years. Educationally and professionally, I traversed much ground. However, on a personal life side, I stood still. Well, I take that back. I moved, but much like a dog chasing his tail, I just went in circles. I spent three years chasing the same girl, somehow convincing myself that if I kept trying and didn't give up, she would give in. Well Steve Urkel, you my friend, are a liar! Collage is supposed to be about having fun and going out and meeting people. While I did some of that, I would also drop everything when she would call. Always the diligent listener when I was called upon, and while under normal circumstances, that's not a bad thing, this one caused me to not grow in my personal life.

For example, now that I'm moving on, I met this great girl. We went out a date and I was a blabbering idiot. Why? Lack of practice. Three years of rust on top of already bad conversational skills is a lethal combination friends. But you live and learn (and wish you had contacted her after getting a little practice in).

It's really a shame too. She was a cutie.

New blog?

Wah? A new blog has been started? It has. How'd that happen? There hasn't been one since... the old blurty. Weird. It also marks a the dropping of my old online nick to use my actual name when I post. God forbid! My real name?! That's just ANARCHY!

So yeah, first post. Crazy. What kind of posts will be here? Who knows. Random thoughts of the day, game reviews, life stuff, comedy, stories, drawing. Yeah, that sounds about right. So sit back, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and enjoy the ride, cause damn it to hell if it won't be an interesting one.